Chuch of S.Oliva

The monumental complex of S. Oliva is the result of an articulated stratification of building events, from the Roman age to the end of the Renaissance: on an artificial terrace, at the confluence of the greater ancient viability, a temple to an unknown deity was built during the third century BC, the rests of which were incorporated in the construction of a primitive church of S. Oliva during the XII century, then transformed, during the middle of the thirteenth century, into a little basilica with three naves with a limestone and tuff bell tower.

The Museum

Between 1467 and 1480 the convent of Augustinian monks was built, now location of Museum of the City and the Territory: inside it is possible to admire the XVI century frescoes of the chapter house and in the cloister’s ground floor the frescoes of 1600 that represent the life of St. Augustine, Santa Monica and St. Nicholas of Tolentino, while the loggia of the cloister preserves, in the figurative marble capitals, an exceptional sculptural cycle, which present a complex series of images and symbols inspired by the theological principles of St. Augustine. The Augustinians wanted to build the Chapel of the Crucifix or St. Augustine, leaning on the west side of the medieval basilica of S. Oliva, which has a rich XVI century pictorial decoration.
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The Municipality of Cori

The Museum of the City and Territory of Cori, inside the conventual spaces, tells the historical evolution of the Lepini Mountains territory, from prehistory to the modern age, through the collection of many original objects including inscriptions, statues, bronzes, ceramics, archival documents and prints. Since its public opening 2000, the Museum has been a point of reference for research and studies on the territory and their spread.

POLIS-È-MIA – codice unico progetto F82JI7000100001 – con D.D. G14038 del 18/10/2017 parte di “Giovani 2017: Aggregazione, prevenzione e supporto”

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