Palazzo Salviati

The palace is part of the Court Square (Piazza di Corte), together with the architectural scenes of the entrance door to the castle, the farms and the peasant houses, within a typical Renaissance architecture frame.

The construction of the castle took place according to a fixed scheme: identified the relief on which to build the land was delimited with a wall. This had only two openings, the main arch adjacent to the building and the minor arch on the side of the church. Inside the walls there was the castle on one side and the dominant church, but at a distance. The lack of a church in the main Giulianello square, the highest point in the town, appears as a curious urban inconsistency justified by the original presence of a church inside the baronial palace.

Piazza Umberto I

This church, dedicated to San Vito, was probably destroyed in the twelfth century, when the body of San Marco Pope kept there was transferred to the Basilica of San Marco in Palazzo Venezia (RM) where it still rests today. The houses and public and private farms were near the two buildings in the shape of concentric rings corresponding to the profile lines of the hill. The private houses adjacent to the last ring of growth had the function of a wall, with a few windows outwards, usually in the shape of a slit. The economic growth of the village generated the construction of rings lower and lower than the primitive structure. A modern renovation took place in the 16th century in two phases by Donna Costanza Conti and later by her son, Cardinal Antonio Maria Salviati. Coming from a period of major development between 1100 and 1200, the Castrum di Giulianello went from being a special castle of the Church to a possession of the Counts of Segni. Owners until 1500 gave it as a dowry to Donna Costanza Conti for her marriage to the Florentine nobleman Lorenzo Salviati. Thanks to the help of the powerful family, Donna Costanza had the Castrum Juliani restored, now reduced to a country estate. The noblewoman built the fortification walls and the first family residence, the church, the houses for the peasants and productive buildings, including the wheat mill. The cardinal perfected and completed the village by building the new baronial palace, completing the walls and building the new entrance door. Some buildings adorned with a tuff slab at the entrance are still visible on which stands the letter “S” followed by a Roman number to identify the individual properties for recording the income. The building has a quadrangular plan with an internal courtyard with arcades on the main side and corner towers. The structure incorporates remains of tufa walls according to the arrangement on parallel rows from the Middle Ages (12th – 14th century) still visible under the plaster along the northern and eastern sides of the building. The façade is moved by a central forepart with an ashlar door and a loggia with three arches which amplifies the chiaroscuro effects. Architectural elements in tuff in contrast with the remaining plastered surface create a characteristic chromatic effect that seems to recall the Tuscan architecture of the 16th century. During the renovation of the court square in the early 2000s, it was decided to enhance the dense network of underground caves by covering the road pavement with cobblestones and reproducing the map of the caves through a white paving that traces their shapes.
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Il Comune di Cori

These were formerly used by the lords owners of the castle in cases of emergency to escape from the palace or as the elders of the town remember they were used as cellars by all the inhabitants of the village who, having them under their house, kept food, spices, oil and wine; they weren’t all connected as we think. The numerous caves under the historic center showed the first signs of subsidence in the 90s, so it was decided to avoid further architectural damage by filling them with clay. Two cylindrical vents, about 2 meters high, with an opening on the top, testify to the presence of the caves. At the beginning of the 1900s, the Giulianello estate, including the castle, factories and land to cultivate, was bought by the Sbardella family who remain the owner of the building to this day. It is not possible to visit it.

POLIS-È-MIA – codice unico progetto F82JI7000100001 – con D.D. G14038 del 18/10/2017 parte di “Giovani 2017: Aggregazione, prevenzione e supporto”

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