
The DISCOVER GIULIANELLO route was crafted by the local youth communities through the crowdsourcing of historical texts, photos.

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Our eventual goal is to make the sources more accessible, share them with future generations and with visitors who want to visit this small village.

An itinerary at a walking pace in the memory of the country, proceeding in fundamental stages.

Every landmark tells the story of that site, retracing the spirit of the time that passed through it
in different moments until today.


The path will be enriched by an inestimable value: the memories of life of the elderly in the village, a fragile and authentic testimony.

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Making the history of this village accessible and transferable online means understanding how the social and cultural conditions have developed and have contributed to who we are.

Let’s walk together at a walking pace through these five Polisemia steps and we will discover that in the waternspring that gushes from a fountain, between the walls of an old railway toll booth, in the paintings on display in a church and in a tobacco leaf factory – all of this – are the foundations of the identity of the inhabitants of Giulianello.

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POLIS-È-MIA – codice unico progetto F82JI7000100001 – con D.D. G14038 del 18/10/2017 parte di “Giovani 2017: Aggregazione, prevenzione e supporto”

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